Plant health
Our skills
Agronomy, ecology and statistics
Crop protection research uses life sciences and technologies.
Agronomic sciences cover agricultural production systems (land management, agro-environment, plant and animal production).
With scientific training (school and university), IZInovation staff are competent to implement studies using fundamental knowledge: agronomic sciences, animal and plant biology, biotechnologies, earth, soil and environmental sciences. environment.
Plant protection uses the results of studies (efficiency/selectivity), compiled and then analyzed statistically. IZInovation staff master these analysis processes (interests and limits).
Our engagement
IZInovation is committed to a scientific & innovative approach
Thanks to strong involvement in the world of plant protection for many years, the IZInovation staff have technical and regulatory expertise constantly updated.
Implemented by involved and competent staff, the IZInovation quality approach makes it possible to achieve results at a high level of reliability while respecting a minimum GEP requirements and research objectives of the sponsoring companies.
Through its participation in scientific and technical networks in plant protection, IZInovation contributes to meeting the challenge of agriculture compatible with sustainable development.
With an expanding global population and limited agricultural land, the purpose of our work is to participate in the development of healthy, reliable and socially useful agricultural practices.
Our history
Cotesia joins the IZInovation department of IZIgroup
7th COFRAC audit : renewal of BPE approval (April 2023)
6th COFRAC audit : maintains BPE approval (September 2021)
Purchase of large crop/vine spreaying equipment
Acquisition of market gardener +vegetable maintenance equipment
Opening of weighing laboratory / new phyto room
Purchase of a micro-tractor for maintenance and vegetable crops
1st contractual studies on auxiliary insects
5th COFRAC audit : renewal of BPE approval (July 2018)
Purchase second large agricultural tractor
Acquisition of tunnels for semi-field tests
Publication of auxiliary methodology at CIRAA Montpellier
4th COFRAC audit : maintains BPE approval (May 2016)
Complete renovation of premises : creation of a laboratory dedicated to biology
3rd COFRAC audit : renewal of BPE approval (September 2013)
Implementation of a Quality Management System
Purchase of an experimental combine harvester.
2nd COFRAC audit : maintains BPE approval (March 2012)
In-depth quality approach : preparation for the QMS
Purchase of the company's premises - 5 permanent staff - conduct of around fifty BPE tests
1st COFRAC audit : confirmation of BPE approval (October 2008)
Launch of the first research on auxiliary insects in vines.
1st studies in project management FR / EU
1st equipment purchase : tractor and seeder / QUAD
3 permanent - Conduct of 36 BPE tests
Opening of premises in Lucq-de-Béarn (64 - France)
Obtaining BPE admissibility (May 2006)
1st registration report submission to authorities, 1 permanent - 20 BPE trials conducted
Crop protection
Field tests measuring efficiency, selectivity and impact on auxiliaries.
IZInovation conducts trials to measure the level of effectiveness and confirm the selectivity of crop protection solutions in the research phase.
These trials take place within a network of partner farmers located in the south-west. This network makes it possible to select the most favorable geographical areas to each study objective.
Protective solutions
These crop protection solutions can be synthetic pesticides, biocontrols, pesticides usable in organic agriculture, solutions allowing activation of natural plant defense systems (PDS).
Our expertise makes it possible to adapt study protocols to the specificities of these different approaches.
The biological activities measured concern the actions
– fungicides,
– insecticides,
– herbicides,
– physiological regulation (Plant Growth Regulators).
Our approved sectors of activity
The tests are carried out on :
– vine,
– fruit growing(apple, peach),
– vegetable crops,
– field crops (mainly corn, straw cereals, rapeseed, potatoes, soybeans and sunflowers).
For each type of project and for each use studied, IZInovation offers a methodological adaptation to optimize the official EPPO methods.
IZInovation, research structure involved in the search for innovative solutions
Since 2005, the company IZInovation has structured its approach on scientific, technical and rational bases.
The generally lower effectiveness of innovative bio-solutions (biocontrols) requires creating new methods and optimizing experimental practices.
From the first field trials, consideration of the integration of these bio-solutions into integrated protection programs is essential. This approach encourages us to offer potential partner products, made possible by our expertise in phytopharmaceutical solutions.
For biosolutions, IZInovation offers adapted technical development compatible with official EPPO methods.
Fertilizers / Biostimulants
IZInovation, research structure in fertilization/biostimulation experimentation.
In a scientific and technical approach, IZInovation is testing innovative fertilizer solutions capable of optimizing agrosystems.
Innovative fertilizers (biostimulants) cause a quantifiable physiological induction on plants. This quantification involves optimizing experimental practices to make them compatible with the criteria to be measured: development of aerial parts and the rhizosphere, modification of photosynthesis, etc.
In addition, the results of the first field trials make it possible to guide the preparation studied within the regulatory framework that corresponds to it: fertilizer or bio-stimulant, plant protection product or biocontrol.
A chaque type de préparation fertilisante et pour chaque critère étudié, IZInovation propose une adaptation méthodologique permettant d’adapter et d’optimiser les méthodologies couramment utilisées.
Tests under controlled conditions
Evaluation of the mode of action and selectivity of preparations, under tunnels, greenhouses, semi-field or laboratory.
For monitoring specific criteria such as insect damage or the direct effect of a preparation on a crop (selectivity) or a pest (effectiveness), Semi-field or laboratory tests are preferable to full-field tests.
These tests make it possible to limit the experimental conditions to the treatment factor, which makes it possible to identify mechanisms which will subsequently be validated in the open field.
These trials are conductedin field crops and vegetable cropsmainly.
In addition to the biological data, an interpretation of the results by the people who participated in the field phases is provided.
BPE efficiency and selectivity tests
Evaluation of the effectiveness and selectivity of field preparations.
In accordance with the GEP principles, IZInovation staff actively participate in defining study protocols, setting up and carrying out efficacy/selectivity trials, data analysis and writing of study reports:
– Research trials / screening
– Approval tests
– Regional development trials.
These trials are carried out in vines, field crops, vegetable crops and fruit trees, in the maritime or Mediterranean area.
These tests concern fungicides, SDPs, insecticides, herbicides, adjuvants and growth regulators.
In addition to the biological data, an interpretation of the results by the people who participated in the field phases is provided.
Impact studies on beneficial insects
Evaluation of the impacts of plant protection preparations on non-target insects.
Since 2008, IZInovation has been working on developing a method for measuring impact on non-target insects (Diptera, Hymenoptera and Orthoptera).
This method is intended toimprove knowledge of the impacts generated by treatmentson non-target insects.
By improving technical knowledge, IZInovation makes it possible to improve the positioning of crop protection treatments in a context of respecting the natural balance of agricultural plots (environmental preservation and functional biodiversity).
These studies are carried out mainly on vines but can be applied to other crops (feasibility study on request).
Disease resistance studies
Measures of the impact of fungicide resistance in natural conditions.
IZInovation has been participating since 2012 in the validation of experimental methods, the carrying out of studies and the interpretation of disease resistance results.
This specific work (described in EPPO method 1/213) is complementary to laboratory sensitivity analyses. These studies make it possible to measure the level of sensitivity of natural strains to a preparation while measuring the possible loss of effectiveness in the field (concept of ‘practical resistance’).
These studies are essential for resistance management measures.
They make it possible to manage effective protection programs, based on multiple preparations whose positioning is optimized to ensure maximum effectiveness with a limited number of treatments.
These studies are carried out mainly on vines but can be applied to other crops (feasibility study on request).
Project management France and Europe
IZInovation is a research structure connected with plant protection players in France and Europe.
Based in the southwest of France (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), the company IZInovation has developed a network allowing it to manage projects in France and Europe.
Depending on the projects to be managed, IZInovation can approach the structures most suited to the desired themes and the expertise sought: private service providers,
technical centers, public research laboratories, distributors…
We are not limited by membership in a global structure or group!
Our independence is a guarantee of quality in the choice of our partners, which varies according to the needs of the project entrusted to us.
Regulation and approval
IZInovation staff have dual skills in experimentation and regulations applicable to crop protection.
The summaries produced from study reports are not compiled following simple mathematical logic!
Due to its expertise in field experimentation, IZInovation staff carry out syntheses taking into consideration the cycle of pests and the stages of target crops. The summaries submitted in support of MA applications thus reflect agricultural practice.
Each year, IZInovation drafts and monitors several DRRs (draft Registration Report = MA application files) in compliance with European Regulation 1107/2009 on behalf of client companies.
From the effectiveness evaluation phases, IZInovation also provides regulatory advice necessary for the construction of a trial program compatible with European regulatory requirements.
Plant protection training / audits
IZInovation staff carry out technical audits and training in the field of crop protection research.
IZInovation staff provide training for researchers engaged in efforts to improve their experimental practices.
Regulatory reminders and explanations of GEP/GLP standards can be addressed with the aim of making researchers efficient in the evaluation of plant protection products.
The effectiveness of phytopharmaceutical solutions can also be approached from the angle of the product x target x material combination.
Carrying out technical audits on research sites also makes it possible to become aware of strong points and weak points on regulatory and technical levels: progress approach .